TNZ Enviropeatâ„¢


Nature’s super-absorbent
solution to chemical and fuel spills


30 Litres 





100 Litres Compressed Bale

TNZ Enviropeat™ is an all-natural product that will ultimately absorb oils, solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and all other organic chemicals on contact.

Use it to clean up spills on land or on hard surfaces or it can be strewn directly onto oil floating in the water.

The peat moss absorbs the oil on contact, while the water will not penetrate the fibre. The encapsulated oil is trapped in a non-sticky crust, which can then be removed in its entirety from the surface of the water.

TNZ Enviropeat™ is 100%  an organic, lab-tested, field-proven industrial absorbent, which is economical, efficient, non-toxic, non-leaching and in its natural state is already biodegraded.

This wonder product weighs little and affords users the ability to carry more, clean up more, and save on transportation and disposal costs.

TNZ Enviropeat™ suppresses vapours and absorbs hydrocarbons on land or water, in dry or wet conditions, and does not require specially trained technicians or high tech equipment for handling or disposing of the spent peat.

Sphagnum peat moss is biodegradable and can be incinerated and the used product will not leach or discharge used pollutants, making it clean and easy to handle.

TNZ Enviropeat™ can be purchased in any volume to suit the customer’s needsfrom small 30L packaged bags to 5m3 compressed large bales or even by the truckload if required.

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For more information about TNZ Enviropeat™
product please visit